
Module to generate colors.

  • Cmyk
  • Color By CSSColor Space
  • Css Supported Function
  • Css Supported Space
  • Hsl
  • Human
  • Hwb
  • Lab
  • Lch
  • Rgb
  • Space


Returns a CMYK color.


options?{ ... }Options object.
options.format?ColorFormat'decimal'Format of generated CMYK color.

Returns: number[] | string

// cmyk function
color.cmyk(options?: {
  format: ColorFormat
}): string | number[]

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.cmyk(); // => [0.55,0.59,0.72,0.85]
color.cmyk(); // [0.31, 0.52, 0.32, 0.43]
color.cmyk({ format: 'decimal' }); // [0.31, 0.52, 0.32, 0.43]
color.cmyk({ format: 'css' }); // cmyk(100%, 0%, 0%, 0%)
color.cmyk({ format: 'binary' }); // (8-32 bits) x 4

Color By CSSColor Space

Returns a random color based on CSS color space specified.


options?{ ... }Options object.
options.format?ColorFormat'decimal'Format of generated RGB color.'a98-rgb' | 'display-p3' | 'prophoto-rgb' | 'rec2020' | 'sRGB''sRGB'Color space to generate the color for.

Returns: number[] | string

// colorByCSSColorSpace function
color.colorByCSSColorSpace(options?: {
  format: ColorFormat,
  space: 'a98-rgb' | 'display-p3' | 'prophoto-rgb' | 'rec2020' | 'sRGB'
}): string | number[]

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.colorByCSSColorSpace(); // => [0.5488,0.5929,0.7152]
color.colorByCSSColorSpace(); // [0.93, 1, 0.82]
color.colorByCSSColorSpace({ format: 'decimal' }); // [0.12, 0.21, 0.31]
color.colorByCSSColorSpace({ format: 'css', space: 'display-p3' }); // color(display-p3 0.12 1 0.23)
color.colorByCSSColorSpace({ format: 'binary' }); // (8-32 bits x 3)

Css Supported Function

Returns a random css supported color function name.

Returns: string

// cssSupportedFunction function
color.cssSupportedFunction(): string

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.cssSupportedFunction(); // => "hwb"
color.cssSupportedFunction(); // 'rgb'

Css Supported Space

Returns a random css supported color space name.

Returns: string

// cssSupportedSpace function
color.cssSupportedSpace(): string

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.cssSupportedSpace(); // => "a98-rgb"
color.cssSupportedSpace(); // 'display-p3'


Returns an HSL color.


options?{ ... }Options object.
options.format?ColorFormat'decimal'Format of generated HSL color.
options.includeAlpha?booleanfalseAdds an alpha value to the color (RGBA).

Returns: number[] | string

// hsl function
color.hsl(options?: {
  format: ColorFormat,
  includeAlpha: boolean
}): string | number[]

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.hsl(); // => [198,0.59,0.72]
color.hsl(); // [201, 0.23, 0.32]
color.hsl({ format: 'decimal' }); // [300, 0.21, 0.52]
color.hsl({ format: 'decimal', includeAlpha: true }); // [300, 0.21, 0.52, 0.28]
color.hsl({ format: 'css' }); // hsl(0deg, 100%, 80%)
color.hsl({ format: 'css', includeAlpha: true }); // hsl(0deg 100% 50% / 0.5)
color.hsl({ format: 'binary' }); // (8-32 bits) x 3
color.hsl({ format: 'binary', includeAlpha: true }); // (8-32 bits) x 4


Returns a random human readable color name.

Returns: string

// human function
color.human(): string

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.human(); // => "salmon"
color.human(); // 'red'


Returns an HWB color.


options?{ ... }Options object.
options.format?ColorFormat'decimal'Format of generated RGB color.

Returns: number[] | string

// hwb function
color.hwb(options?: {
  format: ColorFormat
}): string | number[]

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.hwb(); // => [198,0.59,0.72]
color.hwb(); // [201, 0.21, 0.31]
color.hwb({ format: 'decimal' }); // [201, 0.21, 0.31]
color.hwb({ format: 'css' }); // hwb(194 0% 0%)
color.hwb({ format: 'binary' }); // (8-32 bits x 3)


Returns a LAB (CIELAB) color.


options?{ ... }Options object.
options.format?ColorFormat'decimal'Format of generated RGB color.

Returns: number[] | string

// lab function
color.lab(options?: {
  format: ColorFormat
}): string | number[]

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.lab(); // => [0.548814,18.5689,43.0379]
color.lab(); // [0.832133, -80.3245, 100.1234]
color.lab({ format: 'decimal' }); // [0.856773, -80.2345, 100.2341]
color.lab({ format: 'css' }); // lab(29.2345% 39.3825 20.0664)
color.lab({ format: 'binary' }); // (8-32 bits x 3)


Returns an LCH color. Even though upper bound of chroma in LCH color space is theoretically unbounded, it is bounded to 230 as anything above will not make a noticeable difference in the browser.


options?{ ... }Options object.
options.format?ColorFormat'decimal'Format of generated RGB color.

Returns: number[] | string

// lch function
color.lch(options?: {
  format: ColorFormat
}): string | number[]

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.lch(); // => [0.548814,136.4,164.5]
color.lch(); // [0.522345, 72.2, 56.2]
color.lch({ format: 'decimal' }); // [0.522345, 72.2, 56.2]
color.lch({ format: 'css' }); // lch(52.2345% 72.2 56.2)
color.lch({ format: 'binary' }); // (8-32 bits x 3)


Returns an RGB color.


options?{ ... }Options object.
options.casing?Casing'mixed'Letter type case of the generated hex color. Only applied when 'hex' format is used.
options.format?'hex' | ColorFormat'hex'Format of generated RGB color.
options.includeAlpha?booleanfalseAdds an alpha value to the color (RGBA).
options.prefix?string'0x'Prefix of the generated hex color. Only applied when 'hex' format is used.

Returns: number[] | string

// rgb function
color.rgb(options?: {
  casing: Casing,
  format: 'hex' | ColorFormat,
  includeAlpha: boolean,
  prefix: string
}): string | number[]

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage
color.rgb(); // => "#cdfcdc"
color.rgb(); // '0xffffFF'
color.rgb({ prefix: '#' }); // '#ffffFF'
color.rgb({ casing: 'upper' }); // '0xFFFFFF'
color.rgb({ casing: 'lower' }); // '0xffffff'
color.rgb({ prefix: '#', casing: 'lower' }); // '#ffffff'
color.rgb({ format: 'hex', casing: 'lower' }); // '#ffffff'
color.rgb({ format: 'decimal' }); // [255, 255, 255]
color.rgb({ format: 'css' }); // 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
color.rgb({ format: 'binary' }); // '10000000 00000000 11111111'
color.rgb({ format: 'decimal', includeAlpha: true }); // [255, 255, 255, 0.4]


Returns a random color space name from the worldwide accepted color spaces. Source:

Returns: string

// space function string

// import
import { useFaker } from 'next-faker';

const { color } = useFaker();

// usage // => "sYCC" // 'sRGB'